Soldier of Fortune things

This website is a collection of things for the first person shooter game Soldier of Fortune.


Server List
List of SoF multiplayer servers. You can use it when GameSpy is offline.
SoF addon for clients and servers that fixes bugs, including security issues, and adds new features.
GameSpy master server shutdown.
Troubleshooting SoF1 issues.
Links to other websites.

For players

List of mouse and keyboard commands to perform special moves.
Windows 7
Tips for running SoF on Windows 7.
Tips for running SoF on Wine (for Linux, BSD, OS X).
Screenshot tools
Python scripts to convert SoF screenshots.
Widescreen information
Information about SoF widescreen support.
Obsolete things
Obsolete patches and tools.

For server admins

SoF logger
Rcon tool to monitor and control the server remotely.
Server guide
Guide for setting up your own server.
Free server
Guide about running a free server that grants all players .rcon access.
Obsolete things
Obsolete patches and tools.

For modders

Tool to create 4-line text.
M32 to TGA
Tool to convert M32 files to TGA.


If you want to report bugs / ask questions, send me an email at "sof1 AT megalag DOT org" (replace AT and DOT).

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