Free Server Manual

The servers named 'Free Server Mode - DM' and 'Free Server Mode - CTF' are available for all. This page explains how you can use them. The DM server has been preconfigured for advanced players (limited ammo, big guns), and the CTF server has been preconfigured for beginners (unlimited ammo, bullet only guns, no teamkills), but you can reconfigure most settings after claiming a server. So it doesn't really matter wich server you pick.

Free server usage

Use the .gamepark command to list available subcommands:
Note that the list of available subcommands will be different for unclaimed and claimed servers.
Use the .rcon command to list available subcommands:
Note that the list of available subcommands will be different for users depending on them being logged in or not and the admin rights granted to them.
Use the .gamepark claim command to claim an unclaimed server for 60 minutes:
.gamepark claim <username> <password>
Use the .gamepark renew command to renew the claim on the server for 60 more minutes:
.gamepark renew
Use the .gamepark save command to save your current settings:
.gamepark save <filename>
These settings will be saved:
  • control_limit cvar
  • ctf_loops cvar
  • deathmatch cvar
  • dmflags cvar
  • fraglimit cvar
  • hostname cvar
  • sv_maplist cvar
  • sv_maplistfile cvar
  • timelimit cvar
  • Current map
These settings will not be saved:
  • password cvar
  • spectator_password cvar
  • Admin users and their passwords
  • IP based kick and mute settings
Use the .gamepark load command to load saved settings:
.gamepark load <filename>
Use the .gamepark cancel command when you're done with the server:
.gamepark cancel
After a cancel command is issued, or if the server expires because it isn't renewed, admin users will be deleted and the server will be returned to the initial settings.


Claim a server, configure it and save your settings

This server is available. Type .gamepark claim <username> <password> to claim it
].gamepark claim tester abcd1234
OK: Admin added
OK: Login tester
This server will expire in 60.0 minutes. Type .gamepark renew to extend this period
Type .gamepark and .rcon for available commands
].rcon hostname "%02Some %03Boring %04CTF %05Server"
].rcon gametype ctf
... the server reloads ...
].rcon timelimit 0
Timelimit --:-- (time remaining: --:--)
].rcon ctf_loops 10
].rcon ammo limited
... the server reloads ...
].rcon weapons all
... the server reloads ...
].rcon maplist dm/irqctf1,dm/jpnctf1
].rcon map dm/irqctf1
... the server reloads ...
].gamepark save somefile1
... play some games ...
This server will expire in 1.9 minutes. Type .gamepark renew to extend this period
This server will expire in 1.7 minutes. Type .gamepark renew to extend this period
].gamepark renew
This server will expire in 60.0 minutes. Type .gamepark renew to extend this period
... play some more ...
].gamepark cancel
This server has been canceled
... the server reverts to the default settings ...

Claim a server and load saved settings

This server is available. Type .gamepark claim <username> <password> to claim it
].gamepark claim tester Secret
OK: Admin added
OK: Login tester
This server will expire in 60.0 minutes. Type .gamepark renew to extend this period
Type .gamepark and .rcon for available commands
].gamepark load somefile1
... the server reloads ...
].rcon status
ctf_loops          : 10
control_limit      : 800
deathmatch         : 4 (CTF) (change with .rcon gametype)
dmflags            : 4356 (change some with .rcon ammo/gametype/weapons)
                     01 No Health: NO
                     02 No Items: NO
                     03 Weapons Stay: YES
                     04 No Falling Damage: NO
                     05 Realistic Damage: NO
                     06 Same Level: NO
                     07 No weapon reload: NO
                     08 Teamplay: NO
                     09 No Friendly Fire: YES
                     10 Force Respawn: NO
                     11 No Armor: NO
                     12 Infinite Ammo: NO
                     13 Spinning Weapons: YES
                     14 Bullet Only: NO
                     15 Force Join: NO
                     16 Team Red Blue: NO
fraglimit          : 0
hostname           : Some Boring CTF Server
mapname            : dm/irqctf1
password           :
spectator_password :
sv_maplist         : dm/irqctf1,dm/jpnctf1
sv_maplistfile     :
timelimit          : 0

Grant another player .rcon access

You are allowed to share the login details of the admin account that's created when you perform .gamepark claim. If you would like to create additional accounts with limited rights, follow the instructions in this example.

As an existing admin:

].players print
Players (fps max = 112; SoFplus 20130322-AP)
-- -- --- ---- ----- --- --- --- -- --- --- ---------------
 0     19   33     0   0   0   0  0   0   0 Mike
 1     49   14     0   0   0   0  0   0   0 Ctrl
 2    111   33     0   0   0   0  0   0   0 Duke Nukem
].rcon admin_add 2 theduke
OK: Admin added
].rcon admin_grant theduke say,spec,play,swap,red,blue,kick,map,restart,pause,unpause,timelimit,mute,unmute

As the new admin:

A new .rcon account has been created for you: theduke
You must set the password of your .rcon admin account by typing: .rcon admin_password <new password>
].rcon admin_password SuperSecret
].rcon login theduke SuperSecret
OK: Login theduke

Note: The default setting for admin_add is to setup the account for a single IP address. If you want to allow a bigger IP address range, you have to specify the range in CIDR notation. Examples for the player in slot 2 (with IP address

.rcon admin_add 2 theduke (single IP address:
.rcon admin_add 2/32 theduke (single IP address:
.rcon admin_add 2/24 theduke (256 IP addresses: ..
.rcon admin_add 2/22 theduke (1024 IP addresses: ..
.rcon admin_add 2/16 theduke (65536 IP addresses: ..
.rcon admin_add 2/0 theduke (all IP addresses: ..

Login again if your slot changed

You may have to use .rcon login, if your slot changed. This can happen when the map rotates.

].rcon timelimit 0
ERROR: You must login first: .rcon login <username> <password>
].rcon login tester abcd1234
OK: Login tester

List of .gamepark commands

.gamepark help (this help text)
.gamepark claim <username of choice> <password of choice> (claim server for 60 minutes)
.gamepark renew (renew server for 60 more minutes)
.gamepark cancel (cancel server)
.gamepark save <name> (save settings)
.gamepark load <name> (load settings)

List of .rcon commands

.rcon help
.rcon login <username> <password>
.rcon logout
.rcon admin_add <slot>[/CIDR] <username>
.rcon admin_grant <username> <command[,command...]|*>
.rcon admin_list <username|*>
.rcon admin_password <new password>
.rcon admin_revoke <username> <command[,command...]|*>
.rcon ammo limited|unlimited
.rcon blue <slot|*>
.rcon ctf_loops <value>
.rcon control_limit <value>
.rcon fraglimit <value>
.rcon gametype arsenal|assassin|control|ctb|ctf|dm|realistic|redblue_ctb|team_dm|team_realistic
.rcon hostname <hostname>
.rcon ip_info <slot>[/CIDR] <player info>
.rcon ip_kick <slot>[/CIDR] <player info>
.rcon ip_mute <slot>[/CIDR] <player info>
.rcon kick <slot>
.rcon map <map>
.rcon maplist <map[,map...]>
.rcon maplistfile <maplistfile>
.rcon mute <slot|*>
.rcon password <value>
.rcon pause
.rcon play <slot|*>
.rcon red <slot|*>
.rcon restart
.rcon say <message>
.rcon spec <slot|*>
.rcon spectator_password <value>
.rcon status
.rcon swap <slot|*>
.rcon timelimit <value>
.rcon unmute <slot|*>
.rcon unpause
.rcon weapons all|bullet